Have you got SPF in your handbag or desk?

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If not, you should! Sun protection is your best friend in the fight against ageing. Even better is avoiding the sun in the first place – yes, this is difficult but there are small things that you can do each day…. Only specialist glass filters UV and so not sitting by the window for hours a day will help. When outside a restaurant or pub, are you the one under the parasol? A big hat, sunglasses and clothes covering exposed skin are great summer accessories.

Why is all this important? We know that too much sun and burning increases your chance of skin cancers. But this damage also affects the collagen and elastin fibres in your skin, accelerating ageing. UVA rays are present all year around and penetrate the clouds. This type of UV penetrates into the deeper layers of your skin and is the main culprit for ageing.

UVB meanwhile, is the type that comes from direct sunshine and plays a significant role in burning skin, causing cancers but also in the manufacture of vitamin D. So, of course there is a balance to strike here! No one is saying live in a cave and never see then sun but at the same time, it’s not an excuses to sun bathe unprotected the moment the sun shows its face!

Many products including moisturiser and makeup contain protection, often SPF15. Please ignore this, this is just too low for good protection. In addition, you will only achieve this protection by using enough product which most don’t do. A separate SPF with not just UVB cover (measured by the SPF) but also 5* UVA protection should be an essential part of your skin care regimen.

SPF that you put on at 6am is NOT going to still be fully effective at lunchtime. And by the time work is over and you might be lucky enough to catch up with friends, you can still be exposed. The best way around this is to have SPF in your bag or desk so that you can reapply through the day. Yes, this can be tough when wearing makeup but again, it’s all about doing the best you can which, of course, will not be perfect.

ASKINOLOGY stocks a great range of professional SPF for all types of skin types. These aren’t the same chalky creams that you get on the high street for your holiday but more specialist formulations that pack great protection into much lighter products. You can book a free appointment with one of our experts or just pop in for more brief advice and browse our selection.


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