Complaints Policy

Read our Complaints Policy

ASKINOLOGY endeavours to treat all its clients appropriately, compassionately and fairly. If however, you have an issue with any matter in relation to your treatment at ASKINOLOGY you are entitled to lodge a complaint, either in person, by telephone or in writing. If you require assistance with making your complaint, ASKINOLOGY will be pleased to help and support you through the process.

The member of staff who initially receives the complaint will convey the details to the General Manager or their designated deputy. Where this cannot be resolved immediately, you will receive a letter within two days to confirm that an investigation into the matter is underway and that a response will be made as soon as is possible.

Complaints of a non-medical nature will be handled in their entirety by the General Manager with support of the Director where necessary.

If your complaint is treatment related the matter will be discussed with the relevant practitioner and may require you to attend an additional consultation with that practitioner or an alternative member of the clinic’s medical team, including the Medical Director. The objective of this is to provide an explanation or a solution to your concerns. ASKINOLOGY aims to furnish you with a full written response within 28 days or where this is not possible, an explanation as to the cause of the delay.

If the complaint is not resolved locally, the matter will be referred to the Director. The complaint will be further reviewed, and you will be provided with a final response.

If you are dissatisfied with the results of this process and the final response, you have recourse to independent external adjudication. To obtain this you need to write to the Independent External Adjudication Secretariat within 25 working days of receiving the Investigating Director’s final letter.

Independent Healthcare Advisory Services
Centre Point
103 New Oxford Street
London WC1A 1DU

Telephone: 020 7379 8598
Fax: 020 7379 8586

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